Wednesday, November 27, 2013

September 2013

 Back in El Centro, there were two weekends of flooding storms. 

 Birthday time for Doris Wheeler, far right and below.  Mother with church friend Carrie House.  Several friends from their church stopped by for snacks and birthday cake.
 Doris was born mentally handicapped, but loves parties and company.
 Mother's good friend, Dorothy Wheeler, ( Doris's mother), and another daughter, Debbie.  Debbie (unmarried) adopted a handicapped boy who is now 14 and confined to a bed or special wheel chair.  They are an amazing family, and everyone loves them all.  We play games each Wed. here...a mobile home park.
And of course I'm another year older, too. 

August 2013

 Dave home from another stint in Qatar.  Just missed vacation to Utah.
 Von and I and Cece took a few days at the coast, while Lois was in temp care facility fighting an infection.  We stayed at Morro Bay, and visited Pismo.
 Morro Rock trail.
 Otters in the bay.
 Downtown Pismo Beach
 Pismo Beach

 A favorite place to eat clam chowder, Brads.
 Watching the sun set at Morro Bay

 Back home to mother in El Centro.  Jane had spent the week with her.
Box Elder County Fair and Rodeo with Halie and Brilee.

 Von and his sisters, Loralee and Nan

More playground time with grandkids
Lunch? at McDonalds

July 2013

My mother went swimming in her pool one day in July
We drove home to Utah to celebrate Von's birthday and visit family and friends.  Former neighbor, Russ Stobbe, who shares Von's birthday.
Seven of the 10 grandkids 
Family and friends 
 I took 4 of the grandkids to a favorite playground one morning

Tyler, 11
Kristin, 12
Lexi, 4
Camron, almost 10
Jenn and kids joined us for a swim at Rosie's neighborhood pool.  Kristin posing.
Maren, 6, keeping her injured hand out of the water.
All 10!
Camron's 10th!
Party time!