Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving at Sheila's

Jon's parents, Harry Ihnen of Salt Lake City, and Margaret Havens of New York, and his youngest brother Mike from Ogden, joined us for Thanksgiving at Sheila's home.
Alexis, first Thanksgiving, not quite ready for turkey, other than the mushed kind mixed with vegetables in a jar.

Von, Margaret, Harry, Mike, Halie

Halie, Jon, Alexis, and Sheila

Cujo with me and Von.

Halie's Primary Program

Halie and family. Halie participated in her first Primary Program recently. She even had a brief speaking part, along with all the singing.
Grandma and Grandpa were there to smile and wave appropriatedly.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Kristin's 9th!

Von and I stole Kristin for a couple hours of birthday shopping and lunch on Saturday. Sheila and the girls joined us.
Tyler, Camron and Kristin had their Primary program on Sunday morning. On eternal families, and all the kids wore white.

We met up at Rosie's house afterwards for a birthday party and lunch.

Go Kristin! A new keyboard from me, of course.

Another present.

Von and grandkids.

Happy birthday to you! (singing) Kristin is our first grandchild. Hard to believe it's been 9 years!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More Halloween photos

Halie on her way trick-o-treating
Halloween Parade at Rose Creek Elementary...Rosie's kids' school in Riverton. Back of Camron.

Tyler and class.

Kristin at the end of her class.

twin towers

Autumn time

taken at my front door this morning.
Notice the "twin towers" in the background? Poplars that have survived and thrived in the yard next door.

Sunlight and brilliant colors.