Sunday, August 7, 2011

Camron's baptism

Camron William Robinson, 8 years old! The age of accountability according to scriptures restored in these latter days. "And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of hands ...for the gift of the Holy Ghost". (Doctine and Covenants 68: 25-27)

The program. Two children in the ward turned 8 and were baptized the same day. The bishop was at a temple endowment session of a ward member, so his counselor, Justin Call, presided.

Rosie, David and Camron prior to the service.

Rosie gave a wonderful talk on the Holy Ghost, using her bag of visuals. The Spirit was very strong during the entire service. David gave a great prayer during Camron's confirmation.

We all met afterwards at Rosie's for a light breakfast.

Sheila, Jordan, and Ben Stobbe.

Abby Hernandez and baby Mia, Sara Robinson, and the scene.

Jessica, Blair, and Loralee

Leandra and Tyson, Mike Robinson and Tyler inbackground.

Tyler, Rosie, David

Nan and Tyler, Brilee and Christie

John and Tammy Stobbe with me.

Elsie and Hank Robinson

Camron opening his gifts from Von and me...the "comforter" blanket, and a baptism memory book.

A special day for all of us.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

What a special day! Glad so many could come.