Tuesday, January 26, 2010

On the slope!

Sheila, Jon, Halie, Kristin, Tyler, Camron, Cujo and I spent a few hours on a favorite hill last Sat. afternoon. Temps were finally above freezing. In fact it was warm enough to ditch the jackets and hats towards the end of the day.

Kristin on her first run.
Camron on his first run.

Kristin and Camron together.

Jon and Halie, Tyler crashed in the distance.
Everybody on the hill.

Halie's first run alone!

Sheila and Jon about to crash into me!

Sheila and Camron going backwards.

Tyler going off the ramp.

Jon and Cujo, who could run down as fast as a sled.

Notice the missing gear?

Camron being creative.

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