"And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of hands (for the gift of the Holy Ghost). And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord." (Doctrine and Covenants 68:27-28)
Rosie took these photos after Tyler's baptism, so I'm posting them on my blog, since her's is out of commission.
Von and I attended two baptisms today, March 6. First we traveled to Eagle Mountain for an early morning baptism of Von's nephew Blair's youngest son, Tyson. Von's sister, Nan, gave her traditional talk on the Holy Ghost, presenting Tyson with his "comforter".
Nan and Tyson
Tyson and his family, Jessica, Christie, Blair, Tyson, Hunter, and Austin.
From Eagle Mountain we traveled to Riverton for Tyler's baptism at noon. His bishop baptised and confirmed him. Von also presented Tyler with a "comforter" during his talk on the Holy Ghost. I wound up playing piano during the service, accompanied Rosie and two sister-in-laws, Connie and Sarah, in a trio which was amazing!(How Great Thou Art) and gave the baptism
talk! We met at Rosie's afterwards for lunch, photos, a few gifts.
New scriptures from Von and me. I remember receiving my first Bible at age 9 during a Methodist service, and reading and marking it regularly as long as I had it. I also remember pouring over my first Book of Mormon given to me by the LDS missionaries at age 18, and reading and marking it often for as long as I had it. I have since had several more Bibles and scriptures that have also been read and studied often all my life. For as long as I can remember from my parents side as a child, I loved hearing and learning about the Word of God. My parents still love learning and studying the Word of God, and have been great examples to me and all of our family. Von's mother also made a great impression on me with her love for and sharing of the Word of God on many occassions. There have also been a number of wonderful teachers who gave me that desire to learn for myself...Sunday School teachers Garth Spitler and Dorothy Reis, and LDS Institute Director David Jacobs. My son, David, is actually named after him.
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