Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Papa Don turns 88!

 My dad had another birthday August 21.  Here he is with his mother, Dorothy, at about 3 months old, in front of their Cover St. home in Riverside, Ca.  He was the first son after two daughters, so I'm sure it was a joyous event!

 Probably close to 3 years old. 
 Dad loved water.  This is just one of many photos of him involved with water.  He went on to become a diver in the YMCA and a civil engineer over various water projects in California, culminating as Manager of the very large Imperial Irrigation District in Imperial, Ca.
Dad's father belonged to the Sierra Club, which involved hiking and camping in the Sierras.  Dad, of course took part on occassion.  Here he is going on probably his very first hike at age 4.

 About age 4, and with all of his siblings;  Shireen, Peggy, (Don), Dick, and Ted.

Ready for school, age 5.
My dad this year during our June visit.  Still going strong and looking good!  Happy Birthday, Dad!

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